The European Commission Simplifies Rules on Sustainability – Omnibus Package

The European Commission has adopted a new package of proposals to simplify EU rules, boost competitiveness, and unlock additional investment capacity. 

The omnibus package includes:

  • A proposal for a Directive amending the CSRD and the CSDDD;
  • A proposal which postpones the application of all reporting requirements in the CSRD for companies that are due to report in 2026 and 2027 (so-called wave 2 and 3 companies) and which postpones the transposition deadline and the first wave of application of the CSDDD by one year to 2028.
  • A draft Delegated act amending the Taxonomy Disclosures and the Taxonomy Climate and Environmental Delegated Acts  subject to public consultation.
  • A proposal for a Regulation amending the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Regulation
  • A proposal for a Regulation amending the InvestEu Regulation.

What does this mean for CSRD?

  • Remove around 80% of companies from the scope of CSRD, focusing the sustainability reporting obligations on the largest companies which are more likely to have the biggest impacts on people and the environment;
  • Ensure that sustainability reporting requirements on large companies do not burden smaller companies in their value chains;
  • Postpone by two years (until 2028) the reporting requirements for companies currently in the scope of CSRD and which are required to report as of 2026 or 2027.

More information can be found here.


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